The Paddington Private Security Alliance - Collaborative Security, Protected Community

We are a collaborative network of diverse security firms united to foster a safer and more secure Paddington through shared intelligence, cross-industry innovation, and community-centric initiatives.


Fostering a culture of openness and honesty, where member companies can share insights and learnings without reservation, to the benefit of all.


Encouraging members to continually innovate, bringing fresh perspectives and solutions to the security challenges faced by the Paddington community.


Believing in the strength of collaboration and the value of forming a united front to address security challenges.

Who We Are

The Paddington Private Security Alliance (PPSA) was founded by PaddingtonNow Business Improvement District. We are a collaborative network of esteemed security companies spanning various industries in the vibrant region of Paddington. United under a common goal, we work hand in hand to foster a safer and more secure environment for both individuals and businesses in our community.

In a rapidly evolving world, the need for cohesive and collaborative security solutions has never been more paramount. Our alliance is built on the pillars of unity, transparency, innovation, excellence, and a community-centric approach, aiming to redefine the standards of safety and security in Paddington.

Membership Enquiry

0203 145 1212

Our Vision

To establish a collaborative network of diverse security companies across various industries in Paddington, fostering a culture of shared intelligence and best practices to ensure the highest standards of safety and security in the region. Through united efforts, we envision a community where every individual and business thrives in a secure and protected environment.

Shared Intelligence

Create a secure platform for member companies to share vital intelligence and insights, enhancing the collective ability to foresee and mitigate security risks.

Community Engagement

Engage with the local community to understand their concerns and needs better, and to work collaboratively in developing solutions that enhance safety and security.

Cross Industry Collaboration

Encourage collaborations across different industries to foster innovative solutions and to leverage the unique strengths and expertise of each member company.

Best Practice Sharing

Facilitate regular forums and workshops where member companies can share what works and what doesn’t, helping to elevate the standards of the security industry in Paddington.

Our Industries

The industries highlighted above represent just a small cross-section of the diverse range of sectors that the Paddington Private Security Alliance proudly represents. Our alliance is continually evolving, embracing firms from an expansive array of industries, each bringing a unique perspective and set of expertise to our collaborative table.

Through collaboration and shared intelligence, we are not just responding to the security needs of today but proactively shaping a safer, more secure tomorrow for all in Paddington. Together, we are more than a group of companies; we are a community dedicated to safeguarding the heartbeat of our vibrant region

Russell Hawkins

Operations Manager – PaddingtonNow

How To Join

Our Usual Process

Complete Short Form Below. At this stage we only require your name, email, telephone and company. You can enter a message if you wish.
We Contact You. One of our representatives from PaddingtonNow will be in touch to arrange an in person consultation for you to learn more about the alliance.
Complete Data Sharing Agreement. If you believe we are a good fit, the first step is to sign our data sharing agreement as we will be sharing confidential information.
Download Our App. All communication is done through our secure, GDPR complaint messaging system within the app,
Add Meetings to Your Calendar. We hold quarterly meetings at our offices in Paddington which includes guest speakers.

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Let's Connect


1 Spring Street, London, W2 3RA


0203 145 1212


Request Membership Details


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We are here

Mon-Fri 9:00am- 11pm / Offices are open until 5pm